Sworn Translation – Certified Translation
Sworn translation - Certified translation
Serving you as a private person or on behalf of a company

At Boutique Translation, we are happy to boast a specialised sworn translation department offering sworn, certified, legalised and notarised translation for almost all language pairs. Our translations are meant for official use in Luxembourg and abroad.
We translate and swear official and legal documents such as:
- school, college, university letters and documents,
- birth, marriage, divorce, death, no impediment certificates,
- criminal records, police clearance certificates, NPCC, ACRO driving licenses, immigration documents,
- proof of identity such as passports or ID cards,
- bank statements, affidavits, insurance claims, court documents,
- expert reports & notary documents,
- medical letters,
- business documents,
- and many others...
“Certified true translation” or “Certified true translation of the original document affixed” By adding this type of mention, the translator certifies that the translation delivered is true and faithful according to their best knowledge. This service is available in all languages. Please see here a few examples of documents requiring a sworn translation.
Martine Weitzel is a sworn translator / interpreter in the following languages:
- English - French - German - Dutch
- Portuguese - Spanish - Italian
All language pairs implying these languages are possible. Other language pairs are sworn by one of our colleagues.
Stamp "Certified true translation"

A stamp is affixed to your document, followed by the sworn translator’s signature.
We can also provide wax seals and bind both the original and the translated text together.
The swearing was done before the Appeal Court of and in Luxembourg and is valid worldwide.
Sworn translation urgently needed?
In case of emergency, give us a call or just pop into our office in Luxemburg-city, just a stone’s throw from the “Robin du Lac” concept store and the “BIL Independence” building.
Storefront at 26, rue Antoine Meyer, L-2153 Luxembourg
Open Monday – Friday, 09.00 a.m.-18.00 p.m. or later on request.
Normal deadline is 3 days, but in case of emergency, we can have the work done in record time!